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Our History

Our Story, Our Sound, Our Legacy.
Aristocrat of Bands

The Early Years

Band Directors
1912 - 1946


J.T. Gray


Harold Brown


Clarence H. Wilson


Jesse D. Hayes



The viability of The Tennessee State Collegians is the main reason that instrumental music ensemble activity did not cease entirely between the tenures of Professor Clarence Wilson (1926-1930) and Professor Jesse Hayes (1937-1943). Although Professor Frank T. Greer (Father of the Aristocrat of Bands, Director of Bands 1951-1972) earned his bachelor’s degree in music from West Virginia State University, his undergraduate studies started at Tennessee State University. According to Greer’s memoirs he was a student member of the Collegians from 1936 to 1938 before deciding to leave school to pursue performing as a Professional Jazz Trumpeter/Jazz Band Music Arranger and Composer (McDonald, 2009). The Tennessee State Collegians/Band was likely at least overseen, if not conducted by Professor Marie Brooks-Strange, TSU’s Music Department Chair 1930-1948, for whom the current Music Building on the main campus of TSU is named in honor of.  Any research of The Tennessee State University Aristocrat of Bands must include an exhaustive observation of the Collegians/Jazz Orchestra/Orchestra in which the TSU Jazz Ensemble carried one of those names during different eras 1917 through today. The legacy, history and success of The Aristocrat of Bands and The Tennessee State Collegians is deeply intertwined. McDonald’s personal communications with various alumni from 2006 to 2009 revealed that Professor Marie Brooks-Strange was a Jack of All Trades in the Music Department at TSU. She is often credited with single-handedly administrating the entire music curriculum from 1930-1948. “And then… the Grand Finale!”. That luscious part in every program where the best part is presented. A real honest to goodness highbrow presentation! The Music Department with a combination of Concert Singers, Orchestra, a early common name used for Jazz Bands/Ensembles and not to describe traditional String Orchestras), and Chorus under the efficient direction of Mrs. Marie Brooks-Strange, Music Director, presented the musical production ‘From the Old South’” (Nashville Globe, 1937, pg. 1). Multiple historical artifacts suggests that she likely directed instrumental ensembles as well as the chorus (her primary ensemble) during periods of transitions between Instrumental Directors (McDonald, 2009).

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1946 - Current

The Modern Era

Band Directors

Professor Jordan D. “Chick” Chavis

“Realization of The Goal”


Frank T. Greer

“Father of The Aristocrat of Bands”


Dr. Clifford E. Watkins



Edward L. Grave


1979-2014 (2010)

Dr. Reginald A. McDonald


2011 - 2015 | CURRENT


The Modern Era

ASSISTANT Band Directors
1946 - Current
Aristocrat of Bands


THE EARLY YEARS (1912-1946)
In 1917, the Nashville Globe (The Nashville, Tennessee African American Newspaper from 1906 to 1960) reported on a Flag Presentation Ceremony in which the School’s Band (Tennessee State University) performed as an integral part of the event. According to Dr. Reginald A. McDonald’s dissertation research, “Patriotic music was dispensed by the State Normal Band (Tennessee Agricultural & Industrial State Normal School For Negros was the original name of Tennessee State University). After the exercise, and while Old Glory was going up the mast pole, the band played The Stars and Stripes Forever.” One of many stories in McDonald’s historical research chronology of Instrumental Music Ensembles at Tennessee State University. Accepted wisdom suggest that a band program has been an integral part of TSU (Tennessee State University) academic and student activities for many years. But the story of exactly how that program developed is largely incomplete (McDonald, 2009).

Benjamin Butler

Associate Band Director

1960 – 1969 

Thomas Davis

Assistant Band Director

1974 – 1982  | 1990 – 2003

Benjamin Kirk

Associate Band Director

1979 -1997

James Sexton

Assistant Band Director

 1992 – present

Dr. Reginald A. McDonald

Associate Band Director

2001 – 2011

Larry Jenkins

Assistant Band Director

2014 - CURRENT

Dr. Derrick Greene

Assistant Band Director

2014 - CURRENT